Promotori - EN

Become a Promoter of the University for Foreigners "Dante Alighieri"!!

In addition to the traditional ways of cooperation (working with Embassies, Institutes of the Italian Culture, Society "Dante Alighieri", schools and universities), University for Foreigners "Dante Alighieri" is interested in promoting the initiatives of the accredited "Promoters". During the meeting of the Organizing and Technical Committee on November 2, 2011 (Record № 33) it has been taken the decision for the creation of the Register of "Promoters" and rules that govern it, in order to formalize the relationship between the University and the "Promoter" itself.

Download promoters regulation


What are the duties of the "Promoter"

"Promoter" - a person who is interested in distributing of Italian language and culture, language and culture of the region of Calabria all over the world, contributing to the promotion of the information and methodological teaching and organizing attendance to the University language courses at this University.

Who can become the "Promoter" of the University

The promoters can be directed to the Register of "Promoters" in the following cases:

- All persons of legal requirements (the item of documents is shown in a special application form) for collaboration with public institutions;

- Associations and Agencies of any kind (cultural, tourist, sports, etc.) through the application of the legal representative, who self-certify the possession of the same requirements on the application form.

Why become a "Promoter"

Officially accredited "Promoters" of the University will become the Ambassadors of the University in the countries in which they will perform this activity, and being at the University, they'll get the opportunity to attend a multicultural and multiethnic environment of the University.
"Promoters", who will decide to accompany the students at our University will be able to take some advantages of our facility (using the meeting room dedicated exclusively to the activity of the promoters, using the library funds, computers with Internet connection, WI-FI, photocopier and video projector).
In addition according to the agreement with the University some costs of promoters will be provided with a partial quota from each registered student, due to the following way:

€ 60,00 (sixty) for month of July or August.
€80,00 (eighty) for one of the other months.

How to become a "Promoter"

To become a Promoter of the University you have to submit the requested form of application with curriculum vitae and identity card.

Please note that every three months a special Board of Examiners of University will meet to evaluate applications for registration of candidates to the Register of "Promoters".
The results of the consideration of applications will be sent to the participants. People, whose application forms will be approved, will get the certificate of registration in the Register of "Promoters"

- The application may be sent by postal mail to this address:

Università per Stranieri "Dante Alighieri"
Commissione Albo Promotori
Via del Torrione, 95

- Or by e-mail at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

- Or by fax to the following number: 0039 0965 3696401



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