Corso di perfezionamento per Docenti - EN


The Specialization Course for Teachers of Italian as a foreign language

  Aims of the Course

The course is aimed at the professional preparation of teachers of Italian language working in Italy and abroad, and it  is exclusively for Italian students.

The programs of the course can be further specified or integrated than normal study plan based on specific agreements entered into by the University with various educational and social institutions may be interested on  the development of the course.

Specific activity on: teaching of  the language for special purposes, apprenticeship for “language facilitators” and seminar tutorials for the training of trainers can be scheduled on the basis of conventions.

The duration of the course can vary from a minimum of two months to a maximum of six months in relation to the dimension of the study plan (curriculum).

Study Plan of the Course

The key themes of the Specialization Course for Teachers of Italian as a foreign language are as follows:

  • Italian literature in the second half of the twentieth century;
  • Italian contemporary linguistic repertoire;
  • Italy in the second half of the twentieth century;
  • Linguistic teaching.

The application activities of the Specialization Course for Teachers of Italian as a foreign language will address the selection criteria and analysis of texts, spoken and written, of various functional and contextual kind,  taken from everyday communication, sectors of the mass media and professional activities, technical-scientific, sporting, and selection criteria, analysis and use of materials for practice and tools to support the learning activities in relation to each level of education.

Students - who overpass the  final tests established at the end of the Specialization Course for Teachers of Italian as Foreign Language - are awarded by 15 or 30 university credits, redeemable at the Master’s Degree Course , according to the duration of the Postgraduate whether it is not lower to four months.

Qualifications and requirements for admission to the course

Aspiring candidates to the admittance to the course must be in possession of Bachelor's degrees in humanities or an equivalent qualification in accordance with the rules in force.


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